Price alerts for Cryptopia and YoBit

First post in our brand new official Medium blog about CryptoPing.

2 min readJul 19, 2017

Today we’re rolling out price alert functionality for Cryptopia and YoBit exchanges. We already had it enabled for Poloniex and Bittrex, and making it work for other exchanges was truly long overdue.

How price alerts work

By default CryptoPing automatically sends you signals generated by our market monitoring systems, but you can set up your custom price threshold alerts for any crypto asset ticker and the bot will send you custom signals when price is above or below the threshold on any of the exchanges monitored by the bot.

An example of a price alert signal, as seen in Telegram app for OSX.

The timeout between two price alerts on one ticker is set to 1 hour, meaning that you won’t be seeing price alerts for a single ticker more often than that.

Did you know? We have a guide on how to use price alerts, check it out!

From now on price alerts will be automatically enabled for all exchanges added to CryptoPing signal generation systems.

What about other custom signals?

We have a pool of ideas about that and will keep releasing more interactions with the bot and custom signals over time. Stay tuned!

We readily accept any feedback, be it criticism or feature requests, and we encourage you to share them with us.

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